Outside my window... It is Very dark, but it IS slightly warmer than the past few days.
I am thinking... How tired I am! It's been a very full day. Trying to scoot children off to bed, finish up my computer related activities and head to dreamland myself.
I am thankful for... My dad. He's my go to guy for computer questions, lol. So helpful.
From the learning rooms... Hunny is learning about sin and rules. She is working on addition and subtraction in math. The other girls are just getting started into a Chemistry focused chapter. Gym class restarted today.
From the kitchen... Messy. We left at 7 am this morning and returned tonight at 7:45! Lunch pails still need put away and breakfast dishes still in the sink - where they will stay until tomorrow! lol. Please don't tell Flylady!
I am wearing... Black fleece hoodie, pj pants, socks WITH slippers and covered with a blanket.
I am creating... Office Space! I have made great headway with this area this week. Woohoo! I'm down to one small corner that needs to be gone through and then it's just finding boxes/totes to finish organizing everything. I'm excited to get that into an actual office. It'll be awhile yet though as once it's cleaned out, I'd like to rip the nasty carpet out (it's THE only remaining carpet from when we moved in here and smells) and discover the floor beneath. The office isn't big so we can always lay an area rug down once the yucky floor is out.
I am going... To continue limiting my HFCS intake. I've done really well there. Now I'd like to be more diligent in my Flylady missions than I have been the past few months.
I am reading... The BFG to the kids for school. Your Defiant Teen. Voyage of the Exiles. Will be starting Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado with Sis in lit class tomorrow.
I am hoping... For a great year with many wonderful things happening in our favor.
I am hearing... Dogs pacing, furnace running, Cats meowing, Frontierville loading on the other
Around the house... Girls are upstairs, Einstein just went to his room. Good Ole Boy is sitting in the recliner checking out Craig's List on his phone...
One of my favorite things... Chatting with good friends.
A few plans for the rest of the week: School ,cleaning, finish going through office, lots of laundry, Bug has bell choir, Girls all going to Grandmas while we take Einstein back to the University for eye check up and a neuropsyc appointment, work, Sis wanted to get with a friend this weekend, the kids have a movie night at the ranch and church. Phew! It's a busy one!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
This is "goat". He sits on our bed, lol.

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