Outside my window... It is dark, cold, and snowy. It has snowed since yesterday afternoon, we have gotten quite a bit and schools are closed for today.
I am thinking... Of Good Ole Boy who is out in the weather attempting to get into town for work.
I am thankful for...The girls' eye exams yesterday. Sis has improved and no longer needs to wear her glasses for reading. Hunny looks good - and NO signs of sublexation - yay! Bug is the only one whose eyes got worse but still only has a reading script. So thankful they have good vision!
From the learning rooms... New chapter starts today! Weaver, vol 5 ch 6. We will be learning about miracles Jesus preformed while on earth. Looks like a fun chapter.
Hunny is learning about our jobs. Yesterday we talked about how God gave Adam the job of naming and caring for all the creatures, and how we have jobs as well. She was funny though, asking her what her jobs were, she just kept insisting her only job was to suck her thumb! lol. She does have some simple chores and she is a huge helper.
From the kitchen... Kitties are being ornery! I hear them knocking stuff over and lots of noise coming from the kitchen. Sigh. Not sure I want to go look....
I am wearing... P.j's, robe, slippers and extra blankie over me.
I am creating... Next years school list. Well, I'm starting to work on it at least.
I am going... To be a better me. :) Very proud of myself for sticking to my goal this past week. (I'm not so good at that) I want to be healthier and (obviously) lose weight but it's so hard for me. I decided Monday that I would simply start by trying to start cutting back on High Fructose Corn Syrup, which I consume in large amounts in my Coke. :( I LOVE Coke! (real Coke - I think Diet is gross) I drink coffee all morning and then Coke all afternoon. I don't like our water here, I think it's icky. BUT I am proud to announce that in the past week I have only had THREE, yes 3, Cokes ALL WEEK LONG! WooHoo! :) I have managed to drink our water and haven't even complained knowing that "tomorrow" I can have a Coke, lol. I've told myself that I can have A (just 1) Coke every other day and that has been helpful. I find so often that I want to do something healthy but feel so deprived and I KNOW if I say I will STOP drinking Coke it won't work. AT ALL. It's been a good week and a great start! (And yesterday was Coke day, but we were so busy I didn't even get a glass!)
I am reading... Your Defiant Teen, The BFG to the girls in school - and they are LOVING it!, wrapping up Mere Christianity with Sis in literature, and will be starting Voyage of the Exiles by Patricia Hickman today.
I am hoping... That things work out and Good Ole Boy and I can attend the FireProof small group that our church is having. I would LOVE to do this study with him, it was such a good movie.
I am hearing... Kitties, the radio is on in the kitchen and Hunny woke up EARLY and has Barbie's Thumbelina on - and I *think* is almost back asleep. (figures, as the other girls will be getting up soon, sigh)
Around the house... The coat rack broke in the mud room so the dining room table is laden with coats, hunting and snow gear. Sigh. Looks bad, but not much I can do until Good Ole Boy can fix that.
Trying vinegar in the washing machine instead of fabric softener - will see how that works. Hopeful it helps with static as it's REALLY bad here!
Made very small progress in the 'office' this past week, but did get a corner with the shop vac before it went all wonky and started blowing dust everywhere. Sigh. Another project for Good Ole Boy to examine...
I DID get our bedroom clean though! :) And de-cobwebbed. Where DO they come from?! Only the top of his wardrobe left to de-clutter but that is difficult for me to reach so haven't worked up to that stretch yet.
One of my favorite things...Being cozy under blankets watching a movie with Good Ole Boy or the kids.
A few plans for the rest of the week: School, work, parent teacher conferences for Einstein, Sis will be going to watch her 'boyfriend' in his play downstate, Bug will be having a sleepover at her best friends for her b-day, Sis might be going to a friends this weekend too, and I need to tackle the three girls and see how their show clothes fit since rabbit shows will be coming up in just a few weeks.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

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