Courtney over at womenlivingwell
just posted this Be My Valentine marriage challenge. She says "There are 25 days until Valentine's Day so it's time to implement the 25 Day Praise Plan."
Let's spend the next 25 days building our men up, showing them how much they are appreciated, loved and wanted.
Week 1 starts TODAY! Look for ways to praise your husband verbally. Praise him in front of the kids, friends, family, co-workers, on facebook, tweet it - get praise out anyway you can! Try to mention something noteworthy he has done - in his role as provider, father, husband, lover, or friend. If the thought of trying to come up with one terrifies you, then pray right now that God will give you new eyes to see your husband as God does. Then open your mouth and say something kind and uplifting to your husband today and tomorrow and the next day until Valentine's Day arrives!
I'm proud of my man. I DO appreciate how hard he works and everything he does for our family. I'm going to make it a point to let the WORLD know about him this week!

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