Outside my window... It is COLD and dark. It snowed last night (about 4 inches or so) and off and on through today. We are hunkering down for a blizzard tonight and many public schools have already called off for tomorrow - but so far NOT Einsteins!
I am thinking... About milk, lol. I just bought our first ORGANIC milk this afternoon! Excited to get my family eating healthier.
I am thankful for...The internet and being able to connect with people from all over the world.
From the learning rooms... We are learning about the miracles of Jesus, lots of science. :) Yesterday we covered water molecules. Hunny has finished Interlock (FINALLY!). Today we didn't really have 'school', we were in town all day for karate and gym class so we finished the BFG, went over our Latin quiz and the two girls worked on math.
From the kitchen... Einstein is working on dishes. Not much else...
I am wearing...Black hoodie, blue jeans and tennis shoes.
I am creating...I'm working on creating a healthier family. I am doing great on the Coke deal - only having a glass after work (so just twice a week) and drinking lots of water.
I am going...Like I mentioned above, we are going to organic milk. My goal this week is to make up a dinner menu for the month. I am also trying to commit to following FlyLady, and did most of the missions this past week.
I am reading... Voyage of the Exiles, Six Hours One Friday, and Your Defiant Teen.
I am hoping...Spring comes quickly! lol. I am VERY ready for warmer weather.
I am hearing... Sis is in my room watching a movie, Good Ole Boy is giving Hunny pointers playing Lego Star Wars on the wii, Bug is playing on the computer in the 'office' and Einstein is clanking dishes in the sink.
Around the house... I've made wonderful progress in the 'office'! :) All I have left to do is go through the end table that is there and get it moved into the living room where it belongs. Then - we can get started removing carpet and deciding what we are doing there.
One of my favorite things... A kitty curled up next to me while I'm sleeping. I love to hear them purr so contentedly.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Well, Wednesday activities have already been canceled since school has been, so tomorrow is just school. Then, school, work, and Sis sees the allergist again.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
By Bug

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