August, 2005
When Einstein joined Cub Scouts, we became very good friends with his Den Leader, Deb.
(in fact, my kids call them Grandma & Grandpa)
It seemed like we always took a big end of the year trip and included the whole family.
One year, she asked where we should go and we jokingly said, "Chicago".
Her daughter lived about an hour out of the city and they were going for a visit.
We were invited to go along.
For being a Country Girl, and NOT liking gobs of people, going to the city for a vacation is still fun for me and I thought the kids would really enjoy it.
There is so much offered in the big cities that we can't access in our community.
It was quite the experience. :)
We stayed out at her daughter's and rode the train into Chicago.
Oh, it was 4 adults, our 4 kids and Deb's 4 grandkids.
Our kids had never ridden a train before!
H, Sis & A
We went to the Adler Planetarium,
here is Bug & L.
At the Shedd Aquarium, they learned about reading maps, lol!
H, Sis & D.
This was really cool. The floor was above water and these sting rays were swimming beneath us.
The lunch balcony had a beautiful view.
Hunny kept herself pretty well occupied! :)
The dolphins were everyone's favorite...
Although Hunny took a nap with Grandpa.
Sorry - I think this frog is beautiful...
And Bug took LOTS of pics of the penguins.
At the John Hancock Building
What a view!
Splurged on a souvenir photo
Chicago has free trolleys which are really cool!
Daddy & Hunny play at The Museum of Science and Industry.
At The Field Museum
I LOVE the old architecture!
The buildings are just gorgeous.
Finally at long last, the place the girls wanted to go the most....
The American Girl Store!
The American Girl Store!
Here's Sis with her doll Marisol,
and Bug with her doll Laura (more commonly known as Josephina).
We had a wonderful trip.
Admittedly, there were stressful times, but when you are dealing with 8 (often TIRED) children and three different households sets of rules.....well, there WILL be some stress!
The kids have asked to go back many times.
I can't believe it was that long ago!
My does time fly.
My does time fly.
I really need to remember to cherish the moments with the kids more, and to TAKE MORE PICTURES! They truly are priceless and worth a thousand words!

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