Outside my window... It is beginning to get light outside. It's very blue and bitter cold.
I am thinking... that I have a headache. Yesterday ended up being very stressful and I struggled last night emotionally and didn't get much restful sleep. Sigh.
I am thankful for... Ironically, I am thankful for the public school. I NEVER thought that I would EVER say that! But after all the snow days lately, I am very thankful that Einstein can leave for school and give us a break.
From the learning rooms...In Weaver, we are learning about disease. What some causes are. What is bacteria, etc. It's an interesting chapter thus far. :)
From the kitchen... Coffee! I would like to get a loaf of bread going today. I am missing homemade peanut butter toast....mmmmmm.... :) Breakfast will be eggs, toast and juice. We have really good eggs. I wish we still lived by the Amish to buy eggs but for now I have found some nice ones at Wal-Mart that are fairly affordable. Huge Orange yolks, and boy can you taste the difference!
I am wearing... P.j's, robe, slippers and blanket.
I am creating... My dinner menu and shopping list. Not quite finished yet.
I am going...To call Russ today and see about lining up a wether for Bugs fair project. Last year we located Chip just barely by deadline. This year I want to be ahead of the game.
I am reading... Your Defiant Teen, Six hours one Friday (with Sis) and Dreamers by Angela Elwell Hunt, an author I don't know but I found the book in the church library and thought it sounded good.
I am hoping... For a GOOD day! I am hoping that everyone is in a decent mood and gets along. I am hoping that we get ALOT accomplished, both in school and around the house.
I am hearing...Garfield hollering. Sigh. He has matured enough to want to do unspeakable things to all the others....KWIM? :) So they are taking turns in the dog crate so we don't wind up with MORE kittens! It's currently his turn in the crate. "Nough said? lol. Providing our voucher comes in in time, neutering for all the boys is scheduled next month. Dixie is snoring on the loveseat. She has been chasing the cats for the past hour, must be tuckered out now, lol. The furnace is getting ready to kick on.
Around the house...It's quiet as all the girls are asleep. It's been a crazy week so far, so it's more disorganized than I'd like. At least it's not too MESSY though! Shouldn't take much to get it back in shape. Thankfully!
One of my favorite things...Love from my kids. I love it when they smile with that sparkle in their eye, give spontaneous hugs, fabulous drawings, I <3 U Mommy written on the chalk board. Warm fuzzies fer sure. :)
A few plans for the rest of the week: School, cleaning, work, Einstein & Sis have volunteer training for the ranch on Thursday evening, Good Ole Boy & I start our small group Friday night (Fireproof! So excited! Having dinner out with the group to start), our first rabbit show of the season on Saturday (so practice, practice, practice! Need to locate Sis's show pants as they have gone AWOL. And prepare rabbits and everything we need to take), Church on Sunday.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
lol. In our last chapter, the girls had to plan and prepare a FORMAL meal. They decided to do it for Good Ole Boys birthday. I wore an old bridesmaid dress and Sis did my hair and makeup. :) Then we had a photo shoot while we waited.

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