Outside my window... It is getting light out, it's warm - about 45' and messy.
Much of the snow has been melting so mud and water are everywhere!
In fact, we have a "bridge" of pallets from the porch to the driveway as water is about 5 inches deep!
We have a "trench" dug leading to the backyard and it IS draining, but just not fast enough!
I am thinking... Of the busy past few days and the busy next few days.
I am thankful for... The vet.
Took Frisky to be seen yesterday.
She hasn't been wheezing nearly as much but still smelled bad.
He discovered a baby tooth that should have fallen out but hadn't, was decaying. He pulled it.
He found nothing else wrong with her! Yay! :)
He thinks the smell was from the tooth/gum area AND he only charged me $5 (!!!) for the office call, extraction and he wormed her (just in case he said).
Very thankful that she was deemed healthy and it was so affordable!
God does care about our little creatures. :)
From the learning rooms...We are in Weaver Vol. 5, chapter 6.
Learning about Jesus' miracles.
We will be discussing leprosy today.
*I* am struggling with Hebrew. I need to learn it to help Sis, but haven't progressed out of chapter 1. Sigh. I've put the alphabet into song (kinda the tune to OUR ABC song) Aleph, Bet, Gimmel, Dalet, Hey, Vav.....but that is all I can remember....and I struggle with the symbols. She is so beyond me, but for me to help where she is I need to learn what she already knows. She mostly rolls her eyes at me...
Everything else is going well.
Girls are trying to decide what they are taking to the Art Show next week and Bug is gung ho researching for our rabbit trail next month, lol. :) I think she is excited about our topic!
From the kitchen... Coffee.
Good Ole Boy fixed my favorite coffee cup last night, I am so appreciative of that. :)
I am wearing... p.j's, robe, slippers and blanket.
Need to be hitting the shower next hopefully before the girls wake up.
I am creating... Lists. Lots of lists.
Hope to complete our taxes today, so trying to figure what needs accomplished the most from our return. Good Ole Boy is working on things needed for the truck as it needs a MAJOR tune up! And brakes. And tires. Sigh. :(
I am working on school lists.
We never have much extra money so I try and figure everything we may need over the next year, from curriculum to supplies like clay and paint.
I am going... To try and enjoy Spring as it comes (I KNOW it's not really here quite yet).
I love spring, but it's always SO busy that I can't really enjoy it.
This year, I want to TRY and savor the season.
I am reading... Your defiant teen - struggling with this one as Einsteins defiance isn't *typical* defiance....
Our school read alouds- Peter Pan & Joni...
Our school read alouds- Peter Pan & Joni...
and with Sis in literature - Six Hours One Friday.
I am hoping...To accomplish much!
To become healthier.
To be a more patient, loving and generous wife and mother.
To be a more caring friend.
I am hearing... Hunny's deep breathing as she is sleeping on the couch.
The radio is on in the kitchen - they are talking right now.
Around the house...Girls are still asleep - might make it into the shower yet!
One of my favorite things... Snuggling into a comfy chair with a good book.
A few plans for the rest of the week: School, work, cleaning, Sis goes to allergist, older two have training at the ranch, church, 4H meeting.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Photo by Sis.
I received this from the Fireproof dinner Good Ole Boy and I went to Friday.
We had a lovely night!

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