Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Simple Woman's DayBook


Outside my window... It is cool with a slight breeze.
Fall weather already! :/

I am thinking... Wow does my wrist hurt! 
It's been just over 4 weeks since it started. 
I don't know what I did but wish it'd feel better!

I am thankful... For my family!

From the learning rooms...School starts in two weeks.
This morning was Operation Prepare for School.
Didn't go so hot! lol
None of us are morning people 
so I figured we should start now to prepare for getting up early on school days.
The coffee pot made it....

In the kitchen... Coffee ready.
Need to get beans going for dinner yet.
Thinking beans and cornbread sound yummy for tonight,
maybe some turnip greens to go with...yum.

I am wearing...Still in my p.j's!
Need to post this and go get ready for the day!

I am creating...A facebook page.
Bear with me, I have no idea what I'm doing!

I am going... To work in the yard and around the house today.
The side yard has some junk that needs taken care of - 
wood left over from making the goat cart,
misc items tossed out of the 'jungle' when Good Ole Boy was clearing it, etc.
Some things I won't be able to lift but can at least get started.
I also want to get some things done in my bedroom today.
As well as the typical laundry and picking up the catchalls of the dining room table and living room couch and coffee table.

I am wondering... Where has summer gone?

I am reading... Over the Misty Mountains by Gilbert Morris and Aaron McCarver

I am hoping... That we can find something natural to help Einsteins behavioral issues.
He is currently off all drugs!
Just started him on B complex vitamins and searching...

I am looking forward to... Another day at the beach.
Waiting for Good Ole Boy to have a day off when we aren't busy.

I am hearing... The Cosby Show on Netflix.
Love that the girls enjoy it.

Around the house... Most of the fair things are put away.
Dinning room is neat, although scrapbook items are occupying a corner of the table.
Bunnies were cleaned yesterday and we are waiting for a day to get our new cages and 2 new bucks.
Laundry has been tackled and is down to our normal amounts.
Sis did dishes last night so kitchen is in decent shape.
Good Ole Boy and Einstein tackled the jungle outside last week. 
Between the house and the garage there was a mound of weeds/vines/bushes of WHO knows what!
They chopped and hacked and yanked and most of it is out! 
There is still some cleanup to be done but it is much better.

I am pondering... Chicken coop designs.
We are planning on going there! 
Now, how many do we get?
Will probably have two showing them at fair
and we want meat and eggs.

One of my favorite things...Watching my kids get super excited about nature.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, registering Einstein for school, Sis sees allergist, Sis will be taking a trip to Cedar Point, and Church.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...