Outside my window... It is clear and cold. A light layer of snow covers the ground.
I am thinking... How sad it is that I haven't been able to blog all week. It's been crazy.
I am thankful for... My family. I love them so much.
From the learning rooms... We have started a new chapter in Weaver, the theme being Growth and Development. Hunny is learning about Mammals in Interlock, specifically about how people are mammals. Sis and I will be starting Mere Christianity in her literature course.
From the kitchen... Just started coffee.
I am wearing... P.J's. Sis beat me to the shower this morning....
I am creating... A house for the Holidays! I hope to make it an extra special season this year.
I am going... To enjoy every second with my children. They grow too fast.
I am reading... Cassidy by Lori Wick
I am hoping... For my family to draw closer to God and each other.
I am hearing... The kitties attack the Christmas tree, Bug is coughing and has a movie in, dogs are whining, and pump is running for Sis's shower.
Around the house... It's beginning to look like Christmas! :) The tree is up and mostly decorated. Hope to finish that today. Kitchen and dining room are still full of our boxes and totes of decorations that need to be emptied yet and taken back downstairs. Both porches have been wrapped in garland and bows, wreathes are hanging. Good Ole Boy still has to help me decorate the dining room, which always turns out to be one of my favorites.
One of my favorite things... The glow and twinkle of Christmas lights.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, school, possibly some Christmas activities Saturday, church and Einstein has his next surgery Monday.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

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