Here we are.
Christmas is over and the year is almost gone.
2010. Where did you go?!
It always amazes me how fast the years seem to be flying by. I often worry that I am not "stopping to smell the roses" often enough.
As I take time this week to process 2010, Courtney's challenge for the week is a good one.
The final challenge of the December Peace Challenge is this: Find a minute this week to get alone...outside is best. There is something about the big open sky, the trees, and the sounds of nature that help us to see and hear God clearly. Take your Bible with you - visit Matthew 27 and 28, evaluate 2010 and commit 2011 to living your life completely for God.
1. Evaluate Your Walk with God in 2010 - Were you daily in God's word and in prayer? How can you improve your walk with God in 2011?
2. Your Marriage - What is one word you'd use to describe your marriage in 2010? Easy, frustrating, growing, romantic, hard, strong, amazing. What is one thing you know your husband wishes you'd change in your life?
3. Your Children - What was a high point and a low point for each of your children in 2010? What is one thing that each of your children need from you in 2011?
4. Health - What healthy habits did I maintain in 2010? What unhealthy habits did I create in 2010 that I need to change going into 2011?
5. Ministry - What ways did I use my talents for God in 2010? Pray about what God would have you do in 2011.
Choosing a Theme Word:Pause and look over your evaluation. Now choose a theme word for the new year.
I have some work to do here, but that is why it's a Challenge, right?! :)

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