I realize I am late in posting this weeks challenge.
I think it's funny how Courtney has this challenge titled "THIS MEANS WAR", lol. I am at war this week, well, my body is. I am sick. Super sick.
I can easily say that things are not going according to plan. I had plans to finish up school this week. We aren't at a good stopping point in my opinion and I wanted to get there. We have holiday baking that needs to be finished. I have presents to wrap and homemade gifts to finish up. The box for my mother in law was to be mailed. The house needs cleaned. Instead, I can't breathe, I can't stand, I can't even sit at the computer for more than a few minutes. I cough, cough and cough some more. I spend time hanging over the edge of the tub with hot water cascading down the curtain, or I'm asleep. Sigh. This is NOT what I envisioned for the week.
Here's this week's challenge: Christmas is just 5 days away and so much of our time is often spent helping the children to remember the "Reason for the Season". Now it's our turn. Once the kids are in bed get yourself a HOT drink (again we are warming the body as we warm the soul.) Get ALONE and turn out the lights by your Christmas tree, a lit fire, or a candle and just be alone with God. Pray, talk to him, I encourage you to sing Christmas carols or songs praising him, and just rest with Jesus.
After reading this however, I think I need to check my attitude. :/ Yes, I feel crappy! But is the focus of Christmas on cookies and fudge or Jesus? On presents given or THE present we received in Jesus? Thanks Courtney, for this reminder.
While I am resting my body and fighting this illness, I need to rest in Jesus and spend time with him. And instead of bellyaching how awful I feel, try praising him for all the blessings I have!

Since your sick, take a moment and relax. Don't get caught up in all the "Christmas" celebration/traditions that you don't enjoy the guest of honor. lol