Outside my window... It is a quiet and calm morning. I just got home from running Good Ole Boy to work and there isn't much going on out there yet.
I am thinking... I have OH SO MUCH to do, and since I feel so yucky am not sure how it's going to get all done. I am TRYING to rest in Jesus though and be content with what I accomplish!
I am thankful for... Good Ole Boy and how he's helped me this week like last night's shopping run into Meijer. :) And Sis for how much she has helped around the houe as I have been down for the count she has taken over meals and such. I am blessed with my family!
From the learning rooms...I guess we are on Christmas Break. :/
From the kitchen... Not much. Some dirty dishes need done. Maybe Sis will want to make fudge with the girls later?
I am wearing... Currently in blue jeans, my blue Mackinaw City hoodie and tennis shoes, but when I'm done here - will be getting my jammies back on and laying down again. Am feeling very drained already.
I am creating... Sill have homemade gifts to finish for my dad and my inlaws. Lots of wrapping still needs to be done.
I am going... To bed!
I am reading... Trying to figure out which Left Behind book I stopped at. I got the one I thought I needed but the prologue didn't seem familiar, I got the book before it but I'm sure I've read it. Have been to sick to try and start reading either.
I am hoping... That we have a wonderful Christmas regardless of illness. And I would really like to feel better!
I am hearing... Myself wheezing and the computer fan. All is quiet around here...
Around the house... Not a creature is stirring... and with all these cats there better not be any mice! lol.
One of my favorite things... Hot showers.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tonight is our Christmas Eve Service at church. Bug will be playing in the pealer bell choir and singing in the choir. Tomorrow afternoon we'll go to my parents for Christmas there. After that I really don't know. Work I'm sure and back to the Doctor's if I'm not feeling better.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

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