Here's this week's challenge: Take out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will take a warm refreshing bubble bath. Bring your Bible. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1, 2 and Luke 1,2.
Well, hmmmm.....
This SOUNDS like a wonderful challenge to me! Actually, aside form the scheduling difficulties, it doesn't seem that challenging.
Unless.... you can't take a bath.
I dream of a huge, claw footed bathtub. Nice and deep, full of hot water and yummy smelling bubbles.
Mmmmm.... heavenly!
But in my reality, we have a shallow tub that refuses to hold bath water. Sigh.
But - I can take a hot shower.
Courtney gives some tips for a successful bath here. She also stresses that THINGS will never be done. Give yourself permission for a relaxing bath and have PEACE.

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