Recently we had the opportunity to go listen to a movie, really. :)
He was speaking about his life - including being a recovering alcoholic and addict.
I figured Sis would like to go see him no matter WHAT he was talking on. hehe. Since we are down to one vehicle right now, we all ended up going.
This is Chaske Spencer.
Know who he is? Sis didn't either - until I said his famous role: Sam Uley from Twilight. Then she came screaming down the stairs...."Yes, I want to go!" haha. We all enjoy Twilight...
So we all went and everyone enjoyed it. Well, Hunny did sit on the floor a bit playing with Barbies....but she is only five.
He shared alot. Funny how I could 'see' so much of Einstein in what he shared. I hope he took it to heart!
He was very down to earth and 'normal'.
He had a Q & A at the end and Bug was able to talk to him and even asked for his autograph! Here she is onstage with him. Einstein ran up there too so he is standing in front of Chaske. :S
So that is my little story about the kids first meeting with someone special. :)

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