Outside my window... Is a cool crisp morning.
I am thinking... About Christmas. In particular, about a present I am making. I see a fuzzy picture in my head but am struggling in finding a way to see it clearer. :)
I am thankful for... Technology and that Good Ole Boy can send me a text from his deer blind when he is 3 hours away! Now Lord, please send a deer!
From the learning rooms... All about mammals with Hunny. Girls are working on some research projects. Math. Latin. Literature with writing assignments. Sis has been doing lots of cooking/baking and all the girls have been learning and working more on home-keeping. We just had some detailed dusting instructions, laundry reminders and Bug did an amazing job scrubbing down the blinds in the dining room. How do things get so yucky? :p
From the kitchen... Coffee. Kitchen is clean and ready for our day. The past week has been nice as I have tackled the China cabinet and last night the top of my pots and pans cupboard. Things were decluttered, dusted and organized. Candles have been lit.
I am wearing... ummmm.... p.j.'s, robe & slippers.
I am creating... A list of things for Christmas gifts. I actually feel on top of this this year! We'll see if that continues! lol. I always encourage the kids to look a what they have done for fair this past year and decide if any of their projects would bless a family member. It's helpful because 1- I don't need 2,3, or 4 of the same project, and many of these projects are done yearly..... 2 - Everyone likes to get something made special by the kids and 3 - it helps financially! :) It appears that we have a wonderful start on things.
I am going... To accomplish a TON today! (I * hope*!) Good Ole Boy will be back late tonight and I plan on having a wonderful school day and getting much done around the house AND spend some quality time playing outdoors this afternoon with the goats. Then I am going to snuggle with my hubby since I have missed him so very much.
I am reading... On Secret Service by John Jakes.
I am hoping... To have time for the wii today too. :) And for Einstein to be in decent mood when he gets home.
I am hearing... The kitties terrorize each other. The pump is running. Hunny has a pony dvd in - but at least her hacking has slowed down a bit. (she is VERY wheezy right now, but refuses her loratadine. She ran out of her inhaler and we picked up a primatine mist but she refuses it saying it burns. Sigh. So she has been very hacky and wheezy)
Around the house... I've been working here and there. Of course many boxes scattered around. Yesterday I got half the mud room clean and Hunny tried on all the hats and mittens. The dining room has been thoroughly cleaned but is still awaiting the Thanksgiving decorations. Bug helped yesterday work here around the computer so I have many papers to sort through. As always, Mt.Washmore is erupting into the kitchen. Trying to keep it off the laundryroom floor as our washer is leaking really bad. Sigh. Praying that Santa brings me a new washer!
One of my favorite things...Cuddling with my babies. The one nice thing about Good Ole Boy being gone is having them fight to sleep with me. :) That is something I miss. When they were little they slept with us, now they are all to big!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Wow. Well, we have to take Einsein back to the University tomorrow for follow up. The girls are going to a friends house and are very excited. Hopfully we will be back in time for Bug to go to Bell Choir and Sis to go to youth group and me to go to the Christmas Service meeting. It's our first Christmas at this church so we are very new to everything. Work, school, preparing for Hunny's birthday, and if it's warm over the weekend I am going hunting! I haven't hunted since the year I was expecting Sis and would LOVE to get back into the woods. :)
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Hunny's self portrait!

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