- I do not live in a tent. :)
(o.k., I for some reason was thinking of the Yukon Quest whilst shivering that morning so was thankful to have wooden walls)
- To be an American and have the freedom to vote.
- That Jesus loves me.
- My husband!
- My Weaver group. Very blessed to be a part of such an amazing group of women.
- Bug, what a great kid. :)
- Beautiful sunshine, although wishing it was warmer...
- The University and Dr.s that can treat the disorder and patients/parents well. That Einsteins surgery went well and that his sight is improving.
- Friends. Online and local they are both special to me.
- Hot coffee & showers!
- Veterans, military wives & our freedoms.
- Sis, she is so helpful to me. :)
- BEDTIME! lol.
- A vehicle to drive.
- Respite providers.
- Technology (text, email, IM, blog, phone, facebook)
- Beautiful sunrises.
- Sight to see my hubby smile, my childrens eyes twinkle, my loved ones, pets silly antics and God's amazing creation!
- Homeschooling & getting to spend time with my girls!
- How thoughtful my girls are.
- My parents & my childhood.
- Hunny who fills my days with laughter!
- Good Ole Boys job.
- All our wonderful silly adorable pets!
- That my country was founded as a Christian nation and has such a rich Godly heritage.

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