Outside my window... It is black early morning and VERY windy.
I am thinking... I am really tired still.
I am thankful for... My family. We just celebrated mine and Hunny's birthdays and it was a wonderful time to be together.
From the learning rooms...The older two are on Thanksgiving Break - kinda. We wrapped up our Weaver chapter last week and we typically take this whole week off. They were to finish a few assignments and make sure math and latin were up to date and that's it. I still want to do a bit with Hunny today but then she will be done for the week as well.
From the kitchen... Coffee is ready. Have a new candle ready to burn later - vanilla cinnamon. yummy.
I am wearing... P.J's
I am creating... Christmas presents! :) I can not go into detail *just in case* my mother in law visits here, lol.
I am going... To work a double shift tomorrow - blech.
I am reading... Will be finishing Jakes' book today. I have also started - per Einsteins Dr.s orders - Your Defiant Teen by Russell Barkley & Arthur Robin.
I am hoping... To have a wonderful Holiday. We typically go North to spend time with family but Good Ole Boy has to work very day but Thursday so we will be going to my parents instead. If the day goes well, we will spend time hunting and then go there after dark. It sure would be nice to get at least one deer too! Good Ole Boy took me out yesterday and Sunday. The first I've been hunting since I was pregnant with Sis! So it's been awhile. He saw one he wasn't able to get a clear shot at and I saw two.
I am hearing... A dog drink, a kitty in the litter box, and the computer noises.
Around the house... Need to take care of the dining room. It was raining quite a bit yesterday so all of our hunting stuff was laid out to dry and the guns are all open to dry out. Much to put away. Mt. Washmore needs to be climbed as always. Then just continue purging and organizing.
One of my favorite things... A kitty curled up on my lap or chest all content and purring.
A few plans for the rest of the week: School, clean, work, hunting, Thanksgiving dinner with my parents, then perhaps start decorating for Christmas.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

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