It is week 1 of the Making Your Home a Haven Fall Challenge.
Here is this week's challenge: Go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home.
Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.
Courtney has a great post on this. What kind of home are you making? Are you distracted & distant or making a haven in your home? She goes on with lists. Unfortunately, I do have alot of list one going on.
We are working on the LOVING spoke of our WHEEL OF PEACE. This is a big deal to me. I WANT my home to be a haven. I WANT it to be peaceful.
I am catching my kids ALOT this week speaking in an unloving tone or acting in an unloving way....but I'm also catching myself too.
I didn't have to go BUY a candle for this weeks challenge. I have lots of them around! And it's even lit. In fact, I have one in the living room & one in the kitchen right now. The challenge will be - to actually STOP and Pray each & every time I catch a glimmer of that flame.

I am participating in this challenge too. I love your blog header, it is so pretty. I'm a homeschooling mama too!