Outside my window...It is supposed to be a warm day with rain.
Currently, I see light peeping through the window and it's 54'.
I am thinking...That this computer REALLY frustrates me!
It doesn't do things the way I am used to on *MY* computer! Grrr...
For instance, a simple cut and paste of these questions turns into a HUGE struggle to get them the way I want.
I am thankful for...But I am very thankful that I have a computer to use!
I am also thankful that dad is making progress with mine! lol. :)
From the learning rooms...Weaver Vol. 5, Chapter 7.
We'll be wrapping this chapter up this week, then I'll just do one more chapter before putting Weaver up for the summer.
That will be a huge change for us!
We've been enjoying learning about Corrie ten Boom though, and I love seeing them grow during our prayer time.
Bug especially is carting her prayer journal around and doing a great job of praying and requesting prayers for others.
From the kitchen...Dishes from last night are still in the sink.
It was a crazy night with track and softball and Einstein didn't get them done.
Coffee pot has irritated me this morning!
I somehow lost half the water out the right side so it only brewed a half pot.
Baffled, I added more water....only for it to run out the left side!
Sigh. Will have to tear it apart later and see what's up.
Not sure about dinner yet.
I desperately need to go shopping!
If it's not pouring that will be on the agenda for the evening...
I am wearing...P.j's.
I am creating...A grocery list.
I am going...To hit the shower.
I am reading...Your Defiant Teen
Beloved Enemy by Al Lacy
Corrie ten Boom; Her life, her faith - school
The Wedding Dress - Lit with Sis
I am hoping...That God provides Good Ole Boy with a better job situation.
I am hearing...The computer noises.
Around the house...Sis just got up, everyone else is asleep still.
Got some yard work done this past week.
Planted some pansies.
Anyone ever eat them?
I saw where you could so got a flat thinking that maybe we'd try them.
Scrubbed out some rabbit cages/carriers and nest boxes.
Good Ole Boy got about half the yard mowed.
Worked around the back porch and got it cleaned up.
Still TONS to do - inside and out!
One of my favorite things...Cheering my kids on at their events.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Youth group (maybe), School, Work, Track meet, Softball game, Shooting Sports, Church.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

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