Kiss Him Like You MEAN It!
Final Week of Marriage Challenge
Song of Songs 5:16 says "His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This I my lover, this my friend."
Four kids.
Busy schedules.
Homeschooling housewife.
Very tired!
To tired for romance....
All this brought about problems in our relationship. So I have been working on this area lately.
It's very easy as a mom to devote EVERYTHING to the children and neglect my man. I am working on changing that. We now have a daughter that is old enough to babysit so we can go out. Sometimes it's just to drive around town, sometimes we actually go get a burger. That is so helpful! It gives us a chance to connect without interruptions!
We have also started meeting in the bathroom! lol. Our bedroom door doesn't close completely, but the bathroom door does. :) When Good Ole Boy gets home from work, he gets a kiss and we head to the bathroom. Granted we often have kids pounding on the door but we turn on the fan and catch up on our day. He tells me about work and I tell him about the kids and school. Ten minutes devoted to him. Not much, but SO helpful in keeping us connected! Another kiss and I'm off to serve dinner to the crew.
I've also learned that sometimes I need to WAKE up, no matter how tired I am - if he wants me awake. And sometimes after sending Einstein off to school I need to go snuggle - and try to forget all the things I need to do before the girls are up! Just focus on him.
We text through the day. Tidbits mostly. Often simple "I love you's" or smiley faces or the old xoxoxoxo. :) It's nice to know we are thinking of each other during our days.
Do you kiss your guy like you mean it? Do you take time to make sure his needs are met? Does he take a place of priority in your life?
It's not easy. It take effort. Some days ALOT of effort! But to have that relationship alive and flourishing is SO worth it! Don't take you husband for granted.
My beloved is mine, and I am his."
Song of Songs 2:16 KJV
Song of Songs 2:16 KJV

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