Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... The sun is shinning and I even hear a few birds. A beautiful day!

I am thinking... of everything I need to do today and all that has happened over the past few days.

I am thankful for... All the blessings God has bestowed upon my life! I'm grateful for so much this morning.

From the learning rooms... It will be a full school day today! We are in our Government chapter of Weaver. I'm beefing it up for Sis as it will be high school credit. Still plugging away at Julius Caesar, the girls are trying to comprehend the different speech used in the play. Sis has new Hebrew assignments to work on this week. We have a few spruce trees to plant today given to us for Earth day last week. Hope to get to some goat material for Bug as she is going to be getting a wether for fair! (Yippee!) :)

From the kitchen... Not much happening there yet. Coffee. On the counter is beautiful bouquet of a dozen white roses given to me last night at our homeschool meeting. Last night was my last meeting as vice president, actually it was the last meeting for the whole board! Katie presented us each with a flower bouquet along with a few words for each. She said I was pure of heart and that is why the white rose was chosen for me.

I am wearing... Blue jeans, sweatshirt & tennis shoes.

I am creating... a list of goat contacts for future years, it has been quite a chore to locate breeders and I want to make sure we don't have quite as difficult of a time in the future.

I am going... to make bread later on - hopefully!

I am reading... Well, still haven't finished Pride & Prejudice. Set it aside for the moment. Enjoying "Here burns my candle" by Liz Curtis Higgs - LOVE IT!!

I am hoping... for a very productive day. It would be wonderful to accomplish everything on my mental list.

I am hearing... The pump is running as I have wash going. The dogs are licking, and the computer is humming.

Around the house... Kids are getting ready for the day.

One of my favorite things... Being home with my family! I love being with them and homeschooling. I wouldn't change that for the world.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Softball with Bug. School. Getting Bugs goat. Preparing my garden (we'll see if that happens!)

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
From our bird walk at Chippewa Nature Center


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