Thursday, March 8, 2012


Outside my window...The SNOW is GONE! Yippee!

I am thinking...I'm going to need a nap today...

I am thankful...For people who care.

In the kitchen...Coffee. Bug made pancakes.

I am wearing...PJ pants and a black t-shirt hoodie & slippers.

I am creating...Lesson plans for our International Study.

I am going...To try and at least get part of my school order in today.

I am wondering...Why I hurt so badly?

I am reading...Detatched
Great Expectations - Lit

I am hoping...THAT GOD PROVIDES GOOD OLE BOY WITH A BETTER JOB! He has a whopping 5 hours in this week. Obviously, doesn't pay the bills....

I am looking forward to...Planting my garden!

I am learning...About Ireland with the girls.

Around the house...Mud room needs mopped badly! All the mud....
Rest of the house isn't to bad...
Really need to spend some time organizing and decluttering my room but that won't be today!

I am pondering...Where God is leading us?

A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite things...The sound of the birds singing outside my window.

A few plans for the rest of the week: School, Work, Sis is having a friend over Friday night.

A peek into my day...



  1. Oh, the bunnies are SO cute!!!

    I popped over from the Simple Woman's Daybook. Lovely post! Have a great day!

  2. Thank you. They are cute - I can't believe how fast they grow!
    Thanks so much for visiting!
