Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just add wings...

Because EVERY house needs a fairy....
....the wand is helpful too! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... It is clear and cool.

I am thinking... So many jumbled thoughts are chasing each other round and round right now, I honestly couldn't sort them enough to write one!

I am thankful for...My husband & kids.

From the learning rooms...Christmas Break - BUT Bug just got on the laptop to do math! :)
From the kitchen... Einstein is working on dishes, I will be starting meatless spaghetti here in a second.

I am wearing... Brand new blue skinny jeans, blue Mackinaw City hoodie & tennis shoes.

I am creating...Christmas gifts still.

I am going... To have a chest cat scan tomorrow. Went to the Dr today since I still don't feel good. In addition to giving me some meds, she ordered x rays and bloodwork. Said I have signs of pneumonia. Something showed up on the x ray and I need to go for the cat scan now.

I am reading... Nothing still. 

I am hoping... To feel better soon.

I am hearing... Iron Man in the dvd player and Hunny playing with her littlest pet shop toys.

Around the house...Things are starting to get organized. I plan on taking the tree down Thursday, so working on locating places for the new things and cleaning up from Christmas.

One of my favorite things...My Christmas gifts! I got these jeans, and a black pair of jeggings. Little House on the Prairie season 6. Some lighthouse decorations, a tote bag & a nice hardcovered book of Great Lakes Lighthoues. AND..... a "new" washing machine! Yay! It was a wonderful Christmas. :) 

A few plans for the rest of the week: Cat Scan, rest, maybe work?, continued house stuff and removing the tree, Christmas with my brother and sister in law, New Years Fun with the kids. 

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Peace on Earth Challenge

Here we are.
Christmas is over and the year is almost gone.
2010. Where did you go?! 
It always amazes me how fast the years seem to be flying by. I often worry that I am not "stopping to smell the roses" often enough. 
As I take time this week to process 2010, Courtney's challenge for the week is a good one.

The final challenge of the December Peace Challenge is this: Find a minute this week to get alone...outside is best. There is something about the big open sky, the trees, and the sounds of nature that help us to see and hear God clearly. Take your Bible with you - visit Matthew 27 and 28, evaluate 2010 and commit 2011 to living your life completely for God.

1. Evaluate Your Walk with God in 2010 - Were you daily in God's word and in prayer? How can you improve your walk with God in 2011?

2. Your Marriage - What is one word you'd use to describe your marriage in 2010? Easy, frustrating, growing, romantic, hard, strong, amazing. What is one thing you know your husband wishes you'd change in your life?

3. Your Children - What was a high point and a low point for each of your children in 2010? What is one thing that each of your children need from you in 2011?

4. Health - What healthy habits did I maintain in 2010? What unhealthy habits did I create in 2010 that I need to change going into 2011?

5. Ministry - What ways did I use my talents for God in 2010? Pray about what God would have you do in 2011.

Choosing a Theme Word:Pause and look over your evaluation. Now choose a theme word for the new year.
 I have some work to do here, but that is why it's a Challenge, right?! :) 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The meaning behind my blog name

Well, I decided I wanted a blog. 
I knew I wanted it open to the public, but I wanted us to still be kinda private, so 
"The ______ Family" blog was out. :) 

When I get something in my head I tend to obsess about it and so I was driving around back roads and this song came into my head.

And then it all just kinda clicked. I am country. I am a country girl. I love country roads. I long for a country road to lead to my home. Everything fell into place. 
That's my blog. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... It is a quiet and calm morning. I just got home from running Good Ole Boy to work and there isn't much going on out there yet.

I am thinking... I have OH SO MUCH to do, and since I feel so yucky am not sure how it's  going to get all done. I am TRYING to rest in Jesus though and be content with what I accomplish!

I am thankful for... Good Ole Boy and how he's helped me this week like last night's shopping run into Meijer. :) And Sis for how much she has helped around the houe as I have been down for the count she has taken over meals and such. I am blessed with my family! 

From the learning rooms...I guess we are on Christmas Break. :/

From the kitchen... Not much. Some dirty dishes need done. Maybe Sis will want to make fudge with the girls later?

I am wearing... Currently in blue jeans, my blue Mackinaw City hoodie and tennis shoes, but when I'm done here - will be getting my jammies back on and laying down again. Am feeling very drained already.

I am creating... Sill have homemade gifts to finish for my dad and my inlaws. Lots of wrapping still needs to be done.

I am going... To bed! 

I am reading... Trying to figure out which Left Behind book I stopped at. I got the one I thought I needed but the prologue didn't seem familiar, I got the book before it but I'm sure I've read it. Have been to sick to try and start reading either.

I am hoping... That we have a wonderful Christmas regardless of illness. And I would really like to feel better!

I am hearing... Myself wheezing and the computer fan. All is quiet around here...

Around the house... Not a creature is stirring... and with all these cats there better not be any mice! lol. 

One of my favorite things... Hot showers.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tonight is our Christmas Eve Service at church. Bug will be playing in the pealer bell choir and singing in the choir. Tomorrow afternoon we'll go to my parents for Christmas there. After that I really don't know. Work I'm sure and back to the Doctor's if I'm not feeling better.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Peace on Earth Challenge

I realize I am late in posting this weeks challenge.
I think it's funny how Courtney has this challenge titled "THIS MEANS WAR", lol. I am at war this week, well, my body is. I am sick. Super sick.

I can easily say that things are not going according to plan. I had plans to finish up school this week. We aren't at a good stopping point in my opinion and I wanted to get there. We have holiday baking that needs to be finished. I have presents to wrap and homemade gifts to finish up. The box for my mother in law was to be mailed. The house needs cleaned. Instead, I can't breathe, I can't stand, I can't even sit at the computer for more than a few minutes. I cough, cough and cough some more. I spend time hanging over the edge of the tub with hot water cascading down the curtain, or I'm asleep. Sigh. This is NOT what I envisioned for the week. 
Here's this week's challenge: Christmas is just 5 days away and so much of our time is often spent helping the children to remember the "Reason for the Season". Now it's our turn. Once the kids are in bed get yourself a HOT drink (again we are warming the body as we warm the soul.) Get ALONE and turn out the lights by your Christmas tree, a lit fire, or a candle and just be alone with God. Pray, talk to him, I encourage you to sing Christmas carols or songs praising him, and just rest with Jesus.

After reading this however, I think I need to check my attitude. :/  Yes, I feel crappy! But is the focus of Christmas on cookies and fudge or Jesus? On presents given or THE present we received in Jesus? Thanks Courtney, for this reminder. 
While I am resting my body and fighting this illness, I need to rest in Jesus and spend time with him. And instead of bellyaching how awful I feel, try praising him for all the blessings I have! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hmmm, what to say......?
I grew up in the country outside of a small town. 
LOVED it! 
We always had animals; dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, etc. I've always loved animals and long for a farm. 
Spent lots of time in the woods, hunting or logging as my Grandpa and Dad had sawmills. 
Spent many, many hours at church as my parents were very involved. Many good memories of playing with the other kids, and my bestest friends were made there. :) 
I attended public school and was in the band - sax player. School was not my favorite thing, but I didn't hate it either. 
I graduated from Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in History, my emphasis being Native American History.
I was a docent at our local museum for years and worked at daycares until after I had Sis. 
Good Ole Boy and I met August of 1996 and were married October of 1997.
We moved away from "home" twelve years ago, and although at times I miss it I'm not ready to go back.
I am a mostly SAHM, working just a few hours a week cleaning the local Post Office. I have homeschooled since 2000 and LOVE it! We are involved in Church, 4H, karate and Girl Scouts. 
I dream of moving to the country and having our farm, I also want a daycare of my own. 

15 facts about me

1. We were married on 10-16, which was my parents and my grandparents anniversaries.

2. I absolutely LOVE being a mom AND being home with my kids! People always ask me about needing a break and sending them to school, but I love this and wouldn't change it.

3. I LOVE history! 1800's are my favorite. 

4. I love to read.

5. I'm slightly addicted to facebook.

6. When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian.

7. I hate the cold and snow.

8. I am fascinated by lighthouses.

9. I love to take pictures. I really enjoy scrapbooking but have no set place to do it. :( So I am years behind in each of our albums. 

10. My favorite smells are leather & horse and the beach.

11. I am scared of snakes, spiders and tornadoes.

12. I would love to become fluent in sign language. 

13. I do not like tomatoes or mushrooms.

14. I was given an Indian name 'wah mimi' meaning White Dove.

15. I want to become a Civil War reenactor, even if that means portraying a Yankee! haha! 

Everybody's doing it challenge

I found this challenge while doing some blog reading here.
I like challenges. They give me something to write about, and LOTS to think about! :) It's a daily challenge, but I will plan on posting weekly.

Blog Challenge.... Everybody's doing it.I am trying to get into a regular habit of blogging, instead of just once or twice a month. At first when I saw everybody doing blog challenges I thought it was kind of dumb and cheesy, but I decided to give it a try. For the next 30 days I will do the blog challenge below.

Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3-Your love
Day 4-Your parents
Day 5-Your siblings
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7-Favorite movies
Day 8-A place you've traveled to
Day 9-A picture of your friends
Day 10-Something you're afraid of
Day 11-Favorite tv shows
Day 12-What you believe
Day 13-Goals
Day 14-A picture you love
Day 15-Bible verse
Day 16-Dream house
Day 17-Something you're looking forward to
Day 18-Something you regret
Day 19-Something you miss
Day 20-Nicknames
Day 21-Picture of yourself
Day 22-Favorite city
Day 23-Favorite vacation
Day 24-Something you've learned
Day 25-Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26-Picture of your family
Day 27-Pets
Day 28-Something that stresses you out
Day 29-3 Wishes
Day 30-a picture

Friday, December 17, 2010

O Christmas Tree

This year, we got a phone call that if we wanted a tree there was one cut and waiting for us to pick up. 
Lol, can't beat that! :) 
For as long as I remember, bringing in the tree has been a special job for Bug and daddy. Look at that grin!   
Kitties were pretty intrigued...
I hand out ornaments to be hung, this way everyone hangs their own. They always get an ornament from us, and usually my parents, each year for their collection. This is pretty special to them and they like to reminisce of when they received each one.
Waiting and watching...
Our tree is not beautiful or magnificent in any way. 
It's not worthy of store display.
But it shows my family,
which makes it special to me! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We usually go north to my inlaws for Thanksgiving. This year, Good Ole Boy had to work both the day before and the day after so we were staying home with no plans. Then I think my mom felt guilty since she ended up inviting us over. :) We haven't had Thanksgiving with my parents since the year Hunny was born so that was really nice.

It was a really nice time. I didn't have to cook which is always awesome! :) Mom just asked me to bring a desert. I thought I took pictures, but apparently not. I made a very yummy chocolate chip cheese ball and you can find that here.
We had a wonderful time enjoying each other. I am very THANKFUL to have my parents! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... It is very white, very cold, but the sun is peeking through the trees.

I am thinking...I'm cold and want to have a nice LONG hot shower! :)

I am thankful for... 4 wheel drive. 
I *HATE* icy roads. They scare me. 4 wheel drive makes me feel just a smidge safer.

From the learning rooms... Well, Einstein had a snow day yesterday and again today. Hunny is learning about people in Interlock. The girls are working on growth and development, this is actually a fun chapter! Sis and I started reading 'Mere Christianity' in literature. 

From the kitchen... Coffee and the radio is playing..."adios and via con dios...."

I am wearing... P.j's, slippers, robe and covered with a fleece blanket! 

I am creating... Christmas gifts.

I am going... To accomplish much today! (I certainly hope!) 

I am reading... Will finish 'Paper Roses' today, by Amanda Cabot

I am hoping... That the income comes in to finish our Christmas shopping for the kids. That the roads clear since I have to drive to town tomorrow. For 80' weather......LOL! 

I am hearing... The pump. Sigh. The radio. Pearle whining. Hunny almost snoring (she crashed on the loveseat last night), Bug just coming down stairs making flying noises with Buzz Lightyear. The furnace.

Around the house...Not much moving yet. Kittens are curled up with Mystic, tree is lit. 

One of my favorite things... Chocolate. 

A few plans for the rest of the week: School, bell choir, Christmas program rehearsal, youth group, work, take Einstein back to University for follow up from his last surgery. 

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Taken Sunday, mid-way through our storm.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Peace on Earth Challenge

Are you rested or frantic?
lol. Hmmm... it's hard to rest. I'm a mom. I have four kids, a husband, house keeping, critters, school, work, mental health appointments, doctor appointments, 4H, church, youth group, bell choir....we only have one vehicle right now so if I need it I have to take Good Ole Boy to and from work. Add to that Christmas activities - program rehearsal, shopping, making presents, baking, etc. 
So while I don't feel frantic every day, neither do I feel rested daily. 
Courtney's challenge this week is a nice one! 

This week's challenge: Pull out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will go to bed very very early. Take your Bible with you to bed and read in bed for at least 5 minutes. Read in Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 23:5, and Isaiah 53. These are prophecies that were fulfilled by the birth and life of Jesus. Get extra blankets for a warm nights rest, pray God gives you deep rest and that no one wakes you. Then turn out the lights and sleep. I pray that when you wake, you face the new day of Christmas stress with extra strength and vigor.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Momma's misery

Yep. On her sixth birthday, another tooth comes out....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hunny turns 6!

Hunny wanted a 'My little pony' cake this year. After searching around this is what we came up with. It's a combination from online ideas and ponies we have on hand. I thought it turned out pretty good, the only problem being - my small decorating tips were missing. Guess I need to get some more before the next birthday! 
  We had Grandma & Grandpa up for pizza and cake. Here Grandma and Daddy are being silly! lol.
Always fun to open gifts.
Love my family!
 Hunny blowing out her candles.